Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Quicky update on my mischief.

Here's what I made to show my friend Julie how to impersonate me.
This was her first try, notice the lack of my green.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Cal and MTF.
As of now, this blog is solely for publishing my budding adventures in HTML code. Updates and randomness will both be posted. Now, don't be worried, stories filled with terrible Homestuck references in them will still be posted every once in a while, but not often. Do not ask when I will be posting another one. I will not tell you.

Here are a few IE7 edits that I painstakingly managed to make. From now on, Chrome is the only browser I will use for these.

These are two Chrome ones, just for comparison.

Simple, and little difference in experience, but it took me a minute and a half to make the second two, and almost half an hour of clicking on little plus signs to find the right elements on the IE7 ones.
Oh, and this post was made in HTML. Just saying.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

My name is...

Based on Google suggestions:

(Nothing here)
Inigo Montoya

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Note to self, having a post with the words "Zombie Apocalypse" in it instantly gets pageviews

If there's a zombie apocalypse, we're all screwed.

Why? The first amendment to the U.S. Constitution. See, since it's ratification in 1787, several countries inside and outside of North America have adopted many ideas in the Constitution, especially the first amendment made to it in the Bill of Rights. In this, it says that the people have a right to peaceful assembly. I hate to admit it, but zombies are technically people. So if anyone is ever on the top of a car facing off against a horde of undead, he is not allowed to fire into the crowd that, up until they bite him, are merely trying to get up to him to speak in private.

Also, the third amendment prevents soldiers returning to Iraq from sleeping, eating, or residing in any way, shape, or form in their own homes.